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Rigify hip distortion

I've set up a rigify rig for a base mesh I've been working with. An issue I've noticed is that the hip bone makes the hips messed up when rotated on the y-axis to the right. Here is the file: ...
Ethan's user avatar
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I can't find the Master Jaw vertex group using the Rigify addon

Pretty self-explanatory. I am using the built-in addon, Rigify to rig one of my characters. The rig isn't perfect so I need to go in and change some weights. I clicked on some of the bones to see what ...
Alex Sandoval's user avatar
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how to fix rigging problem, weight paint cannot fix

Here is a screenshot of my object, you can see the deformation. How to fix this problem. I've tried every way but it still doesn't seem right. Please help me fix this, and tell me why this problem ...
putu satya vidhi wiguna's user avatar
2 votes
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rigify - add a Finger during animation

I am using blender 2.77 and working with the riggify add-on. I have made some walk and run animations with my alien, so far so good. While I was playing around with the alien's hands to grab around a ...
Joscha Zander's user avatar
14 votes
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Some vertices don't move along with the rig

I follow this tutorial which uses rigify and I have run into some issues. Not every vertex moves along the rig. Any idea what could cause this? I applied the location and rotation for every object. ...
Maik Klein's user avatar