I just bumped into this problem, importing an SVG with hundreds of curves, and it seems the easiest would be to write a script. Choose "Python console" in the "Editor type" tab, and in there, to see what sort of objects you have, you can do this in the console to see relationships:
>>> import inspect
>>> inspect.getmembers(bpy.context)
... bpy.data.objects['Curve.044'], bpy.data.objects['Curve.043'], ...
>>> inspect.getmembers(bpy.data.objects[0])
[... ('cycles_visibility', bpy.data.objects['Curve'].cycles_visibility), ('data', bpy.data.curves['_x30_.1.0']), ('delta_location', Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))), ...('mode', 'OBJECT'), ... ('name', 'Curve'), ('parent', None), ...
>>> inspect.getmembers(bpy.data.objects[0].data)
[... ('dimensions', '2D'), ('eval_time', 0.0), ('extrude', 0.0), ... ('name', '_x30_.1.0'), ....
So, say to see curve properties printed in the console, you'd copy this snippet and paste it in the Python console (and press Enter twice to execute):
import re # needs to be pasted only once
for ix in bpy.data.objects:
if re.match(r'^Curve', ix.name): # curve object
print(" ", ix.data, ix.data.name, ix.data.extrude )
Here for my example I get:
<bpy_struct, Curve("_x30_.1.38")> _x30_.1.38 0.0
<bpy_struct, Curve("_x30_.1.39")> _x30_.1.39 0.0
<bpy_struct, Curve("Curve")> Curve 0.0
<bpy_struct, Curve("Curve.001")> Curve.001 0.0
... which means that the names of Curve objects and curve "meshes"/paths are not guaranteed to be consistent! So here you might want to rename once first, by running this script through the terminal:
for ix in bpy.data.objects:
if re.match(r'^Curve', ix.name): # curve object
ix.name = "MyCurve." + ix.name
ix.data.name = '_myCurve_' + ix.data.name
... and then you could paste something like this small function (again, hit ENTER twice after pasting, so it is properly parsed into memory):
def changeCurvesExtrude(inExtrd):
for ix in bpy.data.objects:
if re.match(r'^MyCurve', ix.name): # curve object
ix.data.extrude = inExtrd
... and finally you can call from the Python console:
>>> changeCurvesExtrude(0.015)
... and have only the required curves change their Extrude parameter (you can use up and down arrow keys to show the last command in the prompt, so you can change the numeric parameter there more easily)