
I have found a time consuming way to create one mesh object per character.

Start with a text object: "abcdef ...etc..."

  1. Alt+C -> Select object and convert text to mesh.
  2. Tab -> Go to edit mode.
  3. Z -> Enter wire frame view
  4. B -> Select each character with box select one at a time.
  5. Select bridge edge loops
  6. P -> separate by selection

Repeat for each character.

Is there a way to bridge edge loops for all loose parts? A faster simpler way? Script?

Example of the problem with the mesh from text: enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ This is probably possible, but I'm not really understanding why you need to do this. Aren't mesh objects automatically filled with faces? I know that the topology of them is really bad, but I don't understand how bridging the edge loops fixes this. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 5, 2015 at 20:25
  • $\begingroup$ All the faces are created but their edges are not joined. So it's a collection of faces. I then used limited dissolve to simplify the mesh, but the faces were still not joined. So selecting loose parts only selected a face. $\endgroup$
    – Ricklon
    Commented Dec 5, 2015 at 22:47
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Press "W" remove doubles to get rid of all the vertices that are in the same place. This should make all the letters one piece also. Is this what you where looking for? Or where you also trying to clean up the actual topology? In that case, I would retopologize I don't believe that blender has a good automatic way of cleaning up the topology. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 6, 2015 at 2:13
  • $\begingroup$ That did it. It works great. Thank You. My "bridge edge loop" really didn't work. Removing doubles does! $\endgroup$
    – Ricklon
    Commented Dec 6, 2015 at 2:18
  • $\begingroup$ Yeah, kind of what I thought. Bridge Edge Loops didn't really make much sense to me. I'll throw together a quick answer for you to accept. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 6, 2015 at 2:34

3 Answers 3


Instead of using Bridge Edge Loops, use Remove Doubles.

W > Remove Doubles.

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ every time I use 3D text I get caught by this. Any reason why the default output from converting text to Mesh does not do this automatically? Is there a use case for the separate faces? $\endgroup$
    – rob
    Commented Apr 27, 2018 at 11:57
  • $\begingroup$ Yeah, this is pretty broken, I don't understand it neither. Considering that you pretty much always have to convert to a mesh, why have a function if it is so badly broken? $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 26, 2021 at 10:00

For easy conversion to mesh or to separate the characters you can use

In the example i use Animation nodes:

  • The main deal is a node called separate text object, that converts to mesh and separates per character. (it alo works as curves or txt obj per character). Note that it preserves the original object and may later update.

  • It also has other text tools or mesh/curve tools to further get what you need (like removing doubles or having all in one mesh or animating separate etc etc)

In the picture, the separate text object node is the key. The rest, the pink nodes is just an example to further process the mesh data into one single obj and remove doubles (can do other processes as needed)

enter image description here


Referring to the answer Remove Doubles: This function has been renamed in Blender 2.80 and onward:

It is now called MERGE BY DISTANCE.

enter image description here


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