Running into some trouble creating a bevel to break up some hard edges on a model I'm working on. In particular, I'm running into issues anywhere that I have a hole cut in the model (windows, landing gear bays, etc).
For example, here's the opening for the forward landing gear bay without the bevel. Shading is nice and smooth.
Here's the same image showing the mesh. Ignore the red line, that's located inside the bay and not part of the topology I'm trying to work with.
Now, here's the same section beveled. The bevel is a single segment and 1 mm. As you can see, it completely screws up the shading at the corners. I can fix it with an Edge Split modifier, but that just creates another hard edge, so pretty much defeats the purpose of beveling it in the first place.
I have this problem everywhere there's detailing that cuts a hole into the surface of the model.