The video in the link shows rim light effect and a few related nodes, but I couldn't figure out how to create it. How can I create such an effect using Compositor?
$\begingroup$ I don't see any magic trick : mask the area and shade it. It's either you doing it manually in compositing, or in lighting automatically. $\endgroup$– LutziCommented Nov 8 at 19:59
$\begingroup$ @Lutzi can you show how to do it manually in compositing like in the video? $\endgroup$– gfytrbbbaaCommented Nov 8 at 20:02
$\begingroup$ That's just a mask and change the color to achieve the look you seek. Old but still relevant I think :… $\endgroup$– LutziCommented Nov 8 at 20:09
$\begingroup$ @Lutzi this does not answer my question $\endgroup$– gfytrbbbaaCommented Nov 8 at 20:11
$\begingroup$ Then what's the issue exactly ? How to create a mask ? How to animate it ? How to use it in compositor ? How to change the color towards a bright orange ? Something else ? $\endgroup$– LutziCommented Nov 8 at 20:17
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