
I am trying to edit an STL file to make it slightly wider at three different points on the object.

In the following image, you can see where I added three bisections and moved each piece the correct number of millimeters to increase the total width.

How do I add material between the sections to make the object whole again?

enter image description here

Eventually, I'll export this to 3D print.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Hello and welcome to BSE. It's not possible to know how without seeing the topology of your mesh. Can you perhaps share the topology screenshot and/or attach a blend file blend-exchange.com $\endgroup$
    – Harry McKenzie
    Commented May 25 at 1:16
  • $\begingroup$ Hello Harry, Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question despite my lack of experience. I have uploaded the .blend file here: blend-exchange.com/b/w32oQBjS It would be incredibly helpful if you could provide detailed instructions in simple terms, as if explaining to a toddler. Once again, thank you for your time; I truly appreciate it! $\endgroup$
    – Joe Dunn
    Commented May 26 at 23:00

2 Answers 2


If you go into Edit mode, select the edges along the splits, always 2 at a time (for example, select the edges on the left side of the first bisection, then shift- select the edges along the right side). After selecting two edgeloops, press ctrl+e > "Bridge-Edge-Loops", that should fill the gaps.

PS: If you arent able to select the edgeloops with alt+LMB, maybe because your mesh consists of triangles, wich I suspect, select an edge at one end and select another one at the other end with ctrl+LMB (that may save you some time) then shift select an edge on the opposite side of the gap and do the same again.

Hope it helps

  • $\begingroup$ Hi Niklas, Thank you for your assistance! I attempted to follow your instructions but couldn't make sense of them. I even tried searching on Google without success. Even ChatGPT seemed frustrated with my lack of knowledge about Blender. I've uploaded the .blend file here, hoping it might provide some clarity: Link to Blend Exchange I appreciate both your and the gentleman's above efforts in helping someone with only two hours of experience in Blender. $\endgroup$
    – Joe Dunn
    Commented May 26 at 23:03

Since you seem very new to Blender, i made a step for step instruction with images. enter image description here

  1. As you can see, you have 3 different objects (each in another color in the Picture). To join them together, hold SHIFT and click an each object. Afterwards press CTRL+J. As you may see in the folowing picture, it's now just one whole object. enter image description here

  2. Now enter Edit Mode by hitting TAB. Make sure you are in Vertex select mode (Circled in Red in the next image). Place your Mouse Cursor (mine wasn't recorded for some reason) at about the blue mark in the image and press ALT+LMB, now press SHIFT+ALT+LMB on the other side of the gap at roughly the green Mark ( In general, if you want to select a so called "Edge-Loop", hover your Mouse Cursor between 2 Vertices in wich direction you want the cut to be selected, or hover over an Edge or Face in their respectively Select Modes) enter image description here

The the selection should now look like this:

enter image description here

3.Now press CTRL+E and select "Bridge Edge Loops" in the popped up menu, just like in the next picture. enter image description here

The first gap is now closed, as you're seeing here: enter image description here

4.Do this for the other gaps as well, but be careful to select only 2 Edge Loops at once. Afterwards, your mesh should look something like this: enter image description here

If that's all you wanted to know, that's great, but just to be sure, I'll include how to give the torn circle in the second gap it's shape back. If you intended it to be as is, just ignore the rest...

  1. Press ALT+Z or click on the red circled symbol in the next image, to activate x ray mode, and select the Vertices like shown in the image, (you may leave X-Ray Mode again by the same way you entered it): enter image description here

  2. Press M and click on "By Distance" in the appearing Menu, to clear up the mesh a bit. enter image description here

Slide the "Merge Distance" Value, until a blue Pop-Up tells you that 16 Vertices got merged ( The amount you have to clean up here) or just use the same value as I did.

enter image description here

  1. Enter X-Ray Mode again (ALT+Z) and select the same Vertices again: enter image description here

Now go into Face Select Mode (Circled in red) enter image description here

Press ALT+J to convert the selected Faces into Quads: enter image description here

  1. ALT+Z again for X-Ray and select the faces wich black dots are yellow in the picture: enter image description here

Press I to inset the faces and move your mouse until you have something like in the image: enter image description here

For the next steps you need to enable an addon. To do that, go to Edit and then click on Preference: enter image description here

Now, under Addons, search for LoopTools and click the box next to it. I even have an image of it, can you believe that? enter image description here

  1. Close Preferences, hover over the former, now closed gap and press CTRL+R: enter image description here

Left click to confirm and immediatly after right click to cancel any sliding. Repeat the same for the bottom one. You now should have something similar like this: enter image description here

  1. Make sure to be in Face Select Mode and ALT- Select the face Loopcut around the hole: enter image description here

Now right click and go to "LoopTools"> "Circle": enter image description here

You should now have this: enter image description here

7: now go on the back side and in case your mesh has a similar problem as mine (Red Circle), SHIFT-Select both, the blue and green, marked Vertices: enter image description here

Press J to connect them: enter image description here

Then, again Press M and select "At Center" to get this: enter image description here

  1. Repeat Step 6 for this Side: enter image description here

Now just one last thing, make sure to be in Vertex Select Mode, activate X-Ray Mode (ALT-Z) and selcect these Vertices: enter image description here

One last time press M and "By Distance".

That's it.

I really hope this helps to solve your issue.


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