#Context: I am trying to export a few objects with textures. These models will be used in CLO3D (CLO is Marvelous Designer's bigger sister, used in the fashion industry instead of the movie/game industry).
#Summary of the problem: When I add the models to CLO3D their textures are missing, even though the diffuse map shows up in CLO3D's UI but not in the viewport. I've tried OBJ, FBX, and GLB.
What I’ve tried:
- Packing external data:
- Baking all textures:
- Export settings for FBX:
- Export settings for OBJ:
I've been informed that the issue might not be on Blender's (settings) end, but on CLO's end, and while that may be true I am too tired and ignorant to know this for sure. I will post this question on CLO3D and Marvelous Designer forums as well and once the problem is resolved, I will update this thread with the solution for others to find it.