
I found the .py file for one for exporting .obj, modified it, exported a cube and confirmed the changes (after reloading blender). Good, I have a starting point to write a script to export to my own personal 3d file format. My format is in XML so starting from the collada (.dae) script would make things far easier.

But I can't find it in with the other scripts (or anywhere else). I notice in Blender it says "Collada (Default)(.dae)" where the others don't say "default"... Is there such a script or does the "default" part mean its compiled in with blender?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ AFAIK, yes, the collada exported is compiled in with blender. However here's an alternate python based script which claims to have more features (haven't tested it or even blender's native one tbh :P) $\endgroup$
    – gandalf3
    Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 5:58

2 Answers 2


The collada import/export functionality is provided through c++ source code included with blender that links to an external opencollada library.

If you want a python example for collada have a look at the better collada exporter it is part of the godot project as is meant to be better than the default blender collada exporter.


To export the current scene


Or for more options

bpy.ops.wm.collada_export(filepath='/Users/dave/test.dae', check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=True, filter_folder=True, filemode=8)


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