I've been trying to create mic cables for a studio scene that can drape realistically over objects, and have had varying success creating a mesh line, extruding vertices to create the basic path and form for the cable, and then converting to a curve and beveling the curve to create a tube.
Then I've converted the tube back to mesh and used the physics tab to apply cloth to it. I've tinkered with various settings, like more or less subdivisions, greater & lesser tension/compression/bend values in the cloth, and it's coming out OK, but I'm having trouble getting the "cable" to not collapse or deform.
Figured out the pinning routine so I can easily pin the cable to the mic, created collision settings so it can drape nicely over a mic stand and floor, used subdivision surface to smooth out the final product, but can't quite get the cable to stay nice & round. Certain bend points tend to flatten out. How can I get the cable to maintain it's roundness?
Any suggestions...?