Trying to use the snap functions, I don't really understand how the "part to snap" option works in object mode and how to accomplish a precise snap.
Closest is working as expected.
and 3. Center and median : I couldn't notice the difference. I would await "center" to snap the origin on the target (that's the case in all my test), but then "median" should snap the "middle of the mesh" to the target ? At the end, on my computer with 2.68, both do the same. Wrong configuration or bug ?
"Active", the one I need the most. I would await it to snap the active vert/edge/face in the mesh. But it does like "Center" and "Median", it snaps the origin to the target :/ Maybe the "active thing" is the object and not the vert at that moment, but it makes no sense to have 3 different options that do the same and really not what is expected ? It works in Edit Mode.
What am I doing wrong ? If it has to stay so, maybe explain why and a way to accomplish 4) in object mode would be great.