
I've made an animation for my unity game. The problem is that every-time I export it the exported animation is imprecise at the feet of my character.

I already tried to set the "Simplify" in the export settings to 0, but nothing changed. I also tried to disable "All Actions" and "NLA Strips", and applied the scale on the armature and the mesh.

Here are my export settings:

FBX export settings

A quick video for better explanation here: https://youtu.be/2veA3o-hGUA

I don't know the problem and this issue is killing my game because its visible at some points :c.


1 Answer 1


I found this has helped me

1) For your model's Animator component, be sure Apply Root Motion is checked:

2) In the Animator window, click the little gear icon and then be sure IK Pass is checked ("IK" should appear left of the gear when this is enabled. enter image description here

3) Click on the Idle animation in the Animator window and be sure Foot IK is checked. enter image description here

4) Click on the Motion value in the property sheet to go to the animation itself. Check Bake Into Pose and select Original for each of Root Transform Rotation, Root Transform Position (Y), and Root Transform Position (XZ).

enter image description here


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