
I have a zig-zag figure I want to import and manipulate in Blender, preferably on a segment-by-segment basis.

The canonical method for doing "line art" in Blender appears to be to create a curve object then, in the Properties, crank up the Bevel Depth to a suitable value. The problem is that, for "curves" having hard, acute angles, you end up with a very thin, distorted shape.

Here's an example curve. All handles are set as vectors:

Basic curve

Here's the same curve with a bevel applied. Note how the generated tube is flattened, making it nearly invisible when viewed along the Z-axis. The sharper the angles, the thinner the resulting tube:

Beveled curve

I'd like uniform "thickness" no matter what angle I view it from (particularly along the Z-axis). How can I best achieve this?


2 Answers 2


This mesh is maden by 7 vertices only, with a skin modifier. Tweak the thickness with Mean Radius values, and don't forget to select one of the starting vertices and use the "Mark Root" function on the skin modifier.

enter image description here


If the original curve is planar, then a 2D curve (right) will miter correctly where a 3D curve won't:

enter image description here

In that case, you can set the curve to 2D in its geometry panel.


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