I'm currently trying to create a 3-D vector field based on an equation. Once I create a vector field, how to actually make the object move along the vector field when placed at a point?
My Approach: Every vector field has an associated system of differential equations. For example, for a vector field, $$\vec A = x \hat{i}+y \hat{j}+z \hat{k}$$ the associated system differential equations are, $$\frac{dx}{dt}=x \\ \frac{dy}{dt} = y\\ \frac{dz}{dt}=z$$ and the corresponding solutions are $$x(t)=x_0 e^t\\ y(t)=y_0e^t \\ z(t)=z_0e^t$$
So now, we have path(i.e.) by varying t, we obtain a set of $(x,y,z)$.
Is there a way to solve this system of ODEs with blender. I found an answer, that was relevant, Can you animate objects using differential equations?, but I couldn't understand how to implement all those in this context.