I am trying to make a material for the umbrella cloth. They have a specific sheen and reflective nature almost like silk and they tend to stand out from other type of clothes. I've been trying to achieve such a look but, I am not very good at materials and no matter what I tweak, it either looking rubbishly rubberish or not like an umbrella cloth material.
Here's one with general reflective surface which looks too smooth and not umbrella like:
I used IOR of .95 for this:
I searched up that umbrella was made of nylon and it's IOR was 1.5 so I put that and, well:
The first one obviously looks better, but not close to an umbrella material but unless we view it from a reflective angle:
Please provide me insight on creating this umbrella material which looks most realistic and physically correct.
I've attached the .blend file with the hdr.