I am missing a bunch of objects when opening some old blender files (it has nothing to do with the collection visibility like in this post: Missing objects when opening old file in blender 2.8)
I just installed the 2.79b on another system to doublecheck the problem... and I can access all files in the old blender version - but I realized that the problematic objects were hidden in the old file.... So I made them visible and - guess what - they showed up in 2.8!
Funny thing is that 2.8 shows these objects as "visible" but greyed out...
I can share the .blend file but am not sure how this is normally done within stackexchange...
Appending the missing objects to the current file results in the same problem - the objects show up as "visible" but are greyed out - and cannot be found somewhere in the viewport...
This is rather frustrating because I have lots of old blender files where the visibility of objects is a thing of organizing my stuff ( I use blender only for modeling 3d printed stuff)... And blender 2.79b and 2.8 cannot co-exist as far as I know...
Any ideas?