I personally enjoy modeling in blender more than maya, but this one tool is so extremely helpful. It should be included in blender if there isnt something similar already. Is there a place where I can suggest tools?
Heres an example
I personally enjoy modeling in blender more than maya, but this one tool is so extremely helpful. It should be included in blender if there isnt something similar already. Is there a place where I can suggest tools?
Heres an example
Not exactly, but there are some tools which you can use to get similar results in specific situations.
Press AltS
Change Smoothness in the redo panel (F6) after subdividing
Change Smoothness in the redo panel after cutting, or set the smoothness while positioning the cut with AltMouse Wheel (the smooth value is displayed in the header).
Yes you can do this (even more efficiently then in the video I think)
Ctrl+V then click V (Smooth Vertices) It works more like a mix between "Average Vertices" and "Edit Edge Flow", but it's the closest I've found that's useful on the fly.
there is no tool like max or maya..
Shrink/Fatten = Manual (not 100% correct and trying to fix more than one takes long time)
Smooth subdivide = you must add loop.. you cant fix older edges or vertexes.
Smooth loop cut = same as smooth subdive.. useless for old edges and vertexes
i have no i dea why we have no set flow / edge flow tool. trying to fix with manually is sucks..
A workaround is to use Bridge Edge Loops and its Smoothness factor.