
My friend was having trouble with Blender launching. He has tried reinstalling, updating windows, and updating drivers, but always gets the same message in the console before the program closes-

UpdateDeviceParams: failed to set 44100 hrz, got 480000 hrz instead
found bundled python: C:\blender-2.78c-windows64\2.78\python

He also tried installing through Steam and got the same problem. Anybody know how to fix this?


2 Answers 2


You need to set your sound settings from 44k to 48k, here is how:

Before that, my windows version at the moment is version 1909. Windows settings might be changed in the future.

  • 1)Open settings
  • 2)Select "systems"
  • 3)Select "sounds"

  • 4)step4

  • 5)step5

  • 6)step6

  • 7)Apply and close all windows. launch blender.

If works, you may stop here, otherwise if you are stuck on grey screen in Blender:

  • 1) Windows Key + R
  • 2) type cmd . press Enter .
  • 3) press Windows Key enter image description here

  • 4) enter image description here

  • 5) Drag enter image description here

  • 6) Press Enter and it should work.

That is all I know. This minor issues happens a lot when you are using old pcs, laptops or old nVidia card as i know, because new apps might use new settings etc.


I had the same problem when I tried to run blender-2.90.1-windows64 - portable. Blender crashed immediately after the error message:

"UpdateDeviceParams: Failed to set 44100hz, got 48000hz"

Setting the speakers to 16bit, 48000Hz (or any other setting) did not work. However, the problem was gone when I did a software update to my AMD Radeon graphics card.


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