Been modeling for 1.5 month now, and realized that my biggest struggle in every model are proximity loops cuts. Particularily in this model when I wanted to "cut-out" sound pickups (green) I had to make somewhat of a couple dozen loop cuts, which of course affected other parts of the model (distorting the smooth shape, generating shape-ruining angles). So I wonder how do professionals handle this (probably one of the most common) problem? Do they also make a lot of loop cuts? Or would they in this case just add another cylinder mesh, and array-clone it into desirable amount of pickups? In this case I also read that it's a bad practice to have a lot of separate meshes in your model file as they affect file size etc. I saw some ppl using mean crease thing, but as I'm intending to sell my model on Turbosquid, such creases are prohibited.
The 2nd question is when I was cutting out the notch for pickup selector (red), new loop cuts went through the top surface of one of the knobs (blue), distorting their rounded shape. How would one go around that? Deleting obsolete edges creates N-gons which is obviously not acceptable, at least for Turbosquid CheckMate Pro.