
i want to show some textures when the camera is closer to the object and not when it is far, so how can i do this in cycles. is there any particular node to do this trickery or any work around?


1 Answer 1


You can use the camera data node to control the mixture of two nodes (color mix or shader mix).

Mix nodes expect information on the 0 to 1 scale, so the distance information will need to be scaled somehow or you need to define a threshold for the transition.

As an example: With a math node in "Less Than" or "More Than" mode you can create a distance threshold for the transition.

enter image description here

For a more subtle transition you can use a gradient texture:

Notice that you can usel Z depth as well and use a multiply node to control the transition point.

enter image description here

And for more control a color ramp.

enter image description here

For more info read : Using the Camera Data Node

  • $\begingroup$ yeah exactly what i was looking for $\endgroup$
    – user58005
    Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 5:07

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