I was trying to pack all textures into my blend file. When I do this, it says
Unable to pack file, source path '...' not found
However, in my opinion, I have fixed all the paths and I can't find any pink objects which would indicate a missing texture. I'm using Cycles materials.
How do I find out which objects still use textures in an unaccessible path?
I have tried:
- opening the console to see whether it displays more information.
- select every object in my scene (luckily not so many) - none of them seems to have a missing texture
- Select
File > External data > Report missing files
- but it also displays the texture file names only, not the object names How to find which materials use a missing texture - but the Addon fails with the error message
for node in bpy.data.materials[mat].node_tree.nodes: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'nodes'