
I'm a new Blender's user and I cannot figuring out how to do that...

Does someone can explain me how to create/draw this figure and extrude it to get a smoothed edges 3D mesh? I'd like to create a marble pedestal.

Is there any tool similar to the Adobe Illustrator Pencil tool?

Curved figure


3 Answers 3


A way to do that:

Start with a plane (ShiftA then 'mesh' and 'plane'), enter edit mode (Tab), select all vertices A and delete X 'faces only'.

Still in edit mode, select the vertices, and hit W subdivide. Then in the operator panel, choose 2 cuts.

enter image description here

Now add a subsurface modifier. Set it to two subdivisions, for instance, and check 'adjust cage to modifier result' :

enter image description here

Select the four corners, then scale S :

enter image description here

(edit) For the extrusion :

Select all, extrude Z EZ, the add a loop cut CtrlR and adjust it to the top.

Select the top vertices again, then scale them down a bit.

enter image description here

(edit, again) If you need to close the shape :

Simply add the needed quads, and eventually add another loop cut to make the vert/horz transition more sharp:

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks. Finally, what's the proper way to unsubdivide / simplify this mesh with less vertices? $\endgroup$
    – Jonathan
    Commented Feb 20, 2017 at 20:04
  • $\begingroup$ @Jonathan, less vertices is very dependent of what you want on the final result... what are your constraints about that? $\endgroup$
    – lemon
    Commented Feb 20, 2017 at 20:06

Final result:



  1. Create a Plane, go to Edit Mode, press W then Subdivide.
  2. Select vertices as shown below and delete them.


  1. Add Mirror Modifier and check X, Y and Clipping.
  2. Add Subdivision Surface Modifier and set both View and Render to 2 (or higher if you need more details).
  3. Select all (A) and subdivide it twice, as in first step - or once if you want really smooth edges.
  4. Enable Proportional Editing and select vertices as shown below.


  1. Press S to scale and adjust Proportional Editing with mouse scroll then try to match shape.


  1. Now you can select all end Extrude it along Z axis.

Final thoughts:

If you want harder edges you will want to add loop cuts (CTRL+R) as shown below:


Don't forget to set shading to Smooth.



  • Create a new document.
  • Delete the Cube mesh.
  • Align to Top ortho view (NUM7).
  • Switch to Edit mode.
  • Create a new Plane mesh.
  • Delete Only faces (X).
  • Subdivide it with a factor of 2 (W).
  • Select all of the vertices (A).
  • Add the modifier called Subdivision Surface to the figure.
  • Check Adjust edit cage to modifier result.
  • Choose 4 view units.
  • Deselect all of the vertices (A).
  • Select the four vertices located at each corner of the figure (ALTRight-click).
  • Press S and scale them.
  • Select all the vertices (A).
  • Press R then CTRL to rotate the new figure to 45 deg.

enter image description here

  • Switch to Object mode and apply the modifier.
  • Switch to Edit mode again.
  • Select the top vertices (ALTRight-click).
  • Add Make Edge/Face to create the top face of the volum.
  • Add the modifier called Bevel.
  • Adjust the Width and Segments value.
  • Switch to Object mode and apply the modifier.

Fig. https://image.ibb.co/fW6wLa/GIF2.gif

Final result

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Can you add the steps for your solution so other people can learn? $\endgroup$
    – Denis
    Commented Feb 20, 2017 at 20:19
  • $\begingroup$ Fixed. I'll illustrate the steps this night. $\endgroup$
    – Jonathan
    Commented Feb 20, 2017 at 20:59

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