I have some problems when I try to 3d print my project, so I'll be as specific as possible.
I first created this mask, and applied a solidify modifier to it:
The first time I exported as .stl, but it showed up blank in the 3d printing software, Cura. I then applied the solidify modifier, yet it still was blank when imported.
I then tried to export as .obj, which worked fine. I could see it in Cura. I began the 3d printing, using an ultimaker2, yet it did not seem to be working. It started the printing but ended up just moving the material around.
One thing to note is that when looking at the Layers in Cura, it seems that even with the solidify modifier, it looks infinitely thin, only showing some thickness. Why would this be? Could it be a problem with the export options, or with my mask itself?
Here is the project file if anyone could look at it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByCsi4JV6Yv1WXBfSkJlTnd1SUU/view?usp=sharing