I have two cubes: red one (cube A) and grey one (cube C). Cube A has scale X and Z equal to 1 and scale Y equal to 2 or more. So it is more bar then cube. I want to make cube C the same bar, but for Z axis, not Y. I want to rotate freely both bodies. How can I do this, using Copy Scale constraint? I can do following:
- add cube B;
- add cube B Copy Scale Constraint with target Cube A and axis Y active;
- make cube B rotation X 90 degrees;
- add cube C Copy Scale Constraint with target Cube B, axis Z active;
- assign Custom Space to Owner in this Copy Scale constraint. I will get this: So size Y of cube A will be equal to size Z of cube C - if cube C not rotated. But if I rotate cube C - it will change it's height: What can I do to make size Z not changing?