
I have this large scene (20-30 meter domain) with smoke and fire. And wind. In object mode simulation looks fine, in render view with Principled volume shader it looks fine as well. But when i try to add emission strengh - all domain becomes completely white. Same happend with smaller domain in a fresh project. No idea where this issue might be coming from...

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Solution in the Volume Info node. Flame output goes to Emission Strength and you can do bunch of stuff in between them with Color Ramps among others, including Attribute node. I found 'heat' attribute most useful for color of the smoke. I will continue gather information about this and will provide more profound answer later on $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 2, 2022 at 15:17

1 Answer 1


The easy way to get flames is to use temperature attribute. Increase temperature to around 3500 (warm - yellowish color):

enter image description here

and add some Blackbody Intensity:

enter image description here

If you want, you can add some orange tint into it:

enter image description here


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