I am trying to develop a bacteria generator from the geometry node.
My example in reference is this :
I think this is hard challenge for blender, this reference was probably made on Houdini.
My progression has brought me to this level (download .blend end description, I use blender 3.1.0)
- From there, the first challenge is that a bacteria must be born from another bacteria.
But I can't find a method to distribute point on point. I distribute first points on faces, but i need distribute again points but by last points this time. My method distribute points on face and i must have a face for distribute another, but it's not at the same location.
- The second challenge is to simulate some collision, like a a rigid body content.
By chance, the bacteria have a simple form. We can imagine a bounding box and repulse another when they come to penetrate each other.
I have make a some starting but the math zone for move by each instance by others is quite obscure to me.
- The third challenge is to connect mesh bacteria like metaball just during the separation.
I think use the technique transfert bacteria to volume, and volume to mesh, or add a remesh modifier in end position, but when 2 bacteria is separated but near, i don't want they fusion again.
Any advice on whether Blender can do it ? thx all