
Im very very new on this, i tried doing this tutorial of a food shop but in minute 2:12 https://youtu.be/U2LHxud-CVg?t=132 they press shift +d that creates a copy but from nothing appears some kind of circle or oval seconds later it can be seen after using separate by loose parts

then in separate loosen parts it can be seen after using shift + D and P but i cant really understand how it was there, theres no voice in video explaining so i dont know whats this or what key they used, this doesnt appear to me after selecting + shiftD + P enter image description here

it looks like a rectangle to me, not like a oval after doing exactly what i could see, someone could help me pls im stuck here enter image description here


1 Answer 1


The square becomes an oval because of the Subdivision Surface modifier:

enter image description here

The Subdivision Surface will create virtual topology in order to round the shape of the object. With a square it will create this circle. Here is what we can see if I display the wireframe and deactivate the Optimal Display option of the modifier, we can see the topology (it's only a virtual topology as long as you don't apply the modifier):

enter image description here

If I duplicate all the top faces instead here is what it gives. This time it doesn't look like a circle because you have these 4 support edges along the edges that will prevent the central square to be circular, only the corners will be round:

enter image description here


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