
I have a problem with the Bevel tool.

I would like to make Bevels like in this video-clip:


at 0:32, but I always ending like it is in the screenshhot ...

What am I doing wrong?

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ I think in the tutorial the extruded plane is not connected to the parallel plane a little bit lower. You can see it being separated (P key) around 17th second. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 13, 2022 at 20:44

1 Answer 1


The video did rush over that segment and did a poor job explaining what he's doing, not even mentioning the Shrink/Fatten operation.

First, make loop cuts. Ctrl + R

enter image description here

Then bevel. Make sure to use only 2 segments. You can either use the scroll wheel or press S then enter 2. Press A if you want to go back to resizing the bevel.

enter image description here

Then loop select all the center loops by Alt + Left Mouse Click holding Shift to select more than one.

With the loop cuts selected, press Alt + S to Shrink/Fatten, this is different to the normal scale because this scales along the normals of faces/edges/vertices rather than scaling relative to the Transform Pivot Point.

enter image description here


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