I'm working on the torso of a character model, and I added a subdivision surface modifier to get a rough idea of the smoothed final product. Not soon after, I noticed that there were some holes in my geometry, and I quickly filled them. Once the mesh had been fixed, however, there were a few areas where the subdivision surface mod would be pulled to a vertex of the mesh.
The model with subdivision and mesh analysis (sharp). Those red bits are where the subdivision is being pulled.
Better angle with Mirror mod on.
There don't seem to be any N-gons, and the triangle that was originally there from filling the mesh has been turned into a quad. It is possible that there are some doubled vertices, but I doubt that that's the problem. Recalculating the normals didn't help much either.
I feel it has something to do with me filling faces connected to those points, though I am still unsure of the cause. The Blend file should be below. Help is appreciated.