
I am quite new to blender 2d/3d, and I did this foot for a character.

I watched some tuts on YT about rigging and everything seemed fine, but then I realized that there are these jagged points when I try to bend the bones. So, I tried to weight paint the bones right (I had then assigned with automatic weights first).

Can you tell me where I am making my mistake or is there even a way out of this?


Edit Mode. I know that the mesh has too many vertex, but I thought I would need them for good weight painting

Edit Mode. I know that the mesh has too many vertex, but I thought I would need them for good weight painting

And here is the problem: Problem Nr.1 Problem Nr.24

Weight painting:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

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  • $\begingroup$ You don't need more vertices for good weight painting, and in fact using fewer vertices is usually better. You should be selecting the spiky verts in weight paint/vertex mode and inspecting their weights by looking on sidebar/item/vertex weights, and compare with their neighbors to figure out what the problem is. Probably, with a mesh this dense, you could just run a weights->smooth/1.0 expand on the spiky verts to fix. $\endgroup$
    – Nathan
    Commented Apr 5, 2021 at 17:53

1 Answer 1


I have this new foot now, with fewer vertex. I think though, that I can't do a proper weight paint here, bc there are no vertex inside the mesh, but only outside? Actually, I tried this one, and then I subdivided the mesh to have these lots of vertex. was that wrong and how can I weight paint properly on this one? enter image description here

Actually, the automatic weights do well, but for each bone, it is affecting also the other parts. when I try to paint it, it makes weird changes due to the lack of vertex. But I know that I can't weight paint it properly without having these jagged edges again. :(

enter image description here enter image description here


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