
Hi I'm just learning how to use Blender and got stuck trying to add vertex points to an object that aren't changing the shape of the object.

I know if I press F I can add a new face from the selected vertices. But is there a more efficient way of doing this? When I add a new face I now have to delete the one under it. Is there a way to add vertices that are already connected to the face of the object. (sorry if I'm not using some of these terms correct)

Here's a screenshot of the vertex I added by subdividing two edges, connecting those two vertices, and subdividing that new edge.enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Hello :). This question keeps popping up as unanswered. Please mark one of the answers as accepted , or post your own solution. Just to keep the site nice and tidy. Thanks :). $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 6, 2020 at 17:20

1 Answer 1


You almost got it right.
Just use J instead to connect the vertices.

1. Connecting vertices across a face
Vertex > Connect vertex path
Shortcut: J

enter image description here

2. Connecting free floating vertices
Vertex > New edge/Face from vertices
Shortcut: F

enter image description here


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