
I'm three days into Blender (and loving it!) so please don't be too harsh. For my small project I decided to create a lightbulb and I'm struggling with the base. My goal was to model a screw thread contact by subtracting a spiral from a cylinder, but I simply can't make it work.

So this is the base enter image description here

And this is the spiral that I want to subtract from it enter image description here

And here is the final result of the Boolean modificator set to Difference. enter image description here

I know this modificator is funky, but still I just don't get what's going on here. I would highly appreciate any help with where to look at.


1 Answer 1


It seems like you added Boolean to both, the Bottom part and the Ring too.
Don't add to both of them.

Just add Boolean to the bottom part and pick your Ring thing in it, and change it to Difference.


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