I am not very familiar with blender, more of a python programmer trying to use blender headless.
I want to import an STL to a scene and render an image from different angles. So I botched a code from here to do so, but I get a black picture.
This is my code:
import bpy
import os
from math import radians
context = bpy.context
#create a scene
scene = bpy.data.scenes.new("Scene")
camera_data = bpy.data.cameras.new("Camera")
camera = bpy.data.objects.new("Camera", camera_data)
camera.location = (-2.0, 3.0, 3.0)
camera.rotation_euler = ([radians(a) for a in (422.0, 0.0, 149)])
# do the same for lights etc
model_path = r"C:\Users\User\myfile.stl"
scene.camera = camera
path = os.path.join(models_path, model_path)
# make a new scene with cam and lights linked
context.screen.scene = scene
context.scene.name = model_path
cams = [c for c in context.scene.objects if c.type == 'CAMERA']
#import model
for c in cams:
context.scene.camera = c
print("Render ", model_path, context.scene.name, c.name)
context.scene.render.filepath = r"C:\Users\User\myoutput.png"
What am I doing wrong? Thanks!