
I struggle with something might be a simple question. I was trying to make an adjustable array. The array element align the curve that need some loose part and tihgt part for further modifier. And the element I want it to be adjustable can change the angle and change the size.

also the array I'll need to attach it on the surface.

enter image description here


2 Answers 2


I'm afraid the question not so simple as it looks like. I think the perfect solution for this - Animation Nodes

For example, this is a basic setup of objects on curve:

enter image description here

After this, you can try to find a way how add to control of scale and rotation of objects. For example, I use distance between empty and object to set scale for elements of array:

enter image description here

enter image description here

I'm afraid, Animation Nodes is a big topic, that I can't discus in one little post. But I give you an idea and providing file for you:


To control the looseness and tightness of the array of objects based on that of the spline, you can use the Resolution option while evaluating the samples. This option is explained in details in the Documentation, so a possible node tree to create the effect you are after is:

Node Tree


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