Whenever I enter the 11/12 digit number that I need for one of my projects into the value input of any (shader) node, Blender lowers the number.
For example, I've tried to input the number '12345678910', an 11 digit number and gotten '12345678848' instead. I know that Blender often rounds and hides the displayed numbers sometimes, but given that the number is completely different, I'm not sure that's the case.
If it is a bug, then it's been there for a while. I checked and it was present in Blender 2.81 as well. I've also replicated the issue on Mac and Windows systems. You can replicate it by inputting a 10 or higher digit number into a value node (in the Shader Editor).
I want to figure out what's going on and how to fix it. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks!