In the first picture, I used the Second Life Avatar with skeleton and rigged a pair of test "feet" to the avatar. I was able to also transfer weights from the avatar to the "feet". When in pose mode, everything moves like it should.
In the second picture, I again have the Second Life Avatar with skeleton and am trying to rig the foot we wish to use. I am able to parent it to the skeleton by selecting the object (foot) and the armature, press Ctrl P and choose Armature Deform with Empty groups. When I then click the object and the legs of the Avatar, I go into Weight Paint Mode and try to transfer weights like I did with my test "feet" and I get an error stating the source mesh does not have any vertex groups. I'm at a loss as to how to give it vertex groups while not messing with the preset weights and skeleton as these must remain the same.
How do I give my foot vertex groups so that I may transfer weights from the Avatar to the foot?