I have installed the "Drop to ground" addon. I have added the plane and renamed it to "Ground", took a normal cube and put on the plane some distance away from the plane. Then I selected the cube, Shift selected the plane and hit the button to the left - Drop to ground. It's giving an error and nothing is working.
Traceback (most recent call last):
file "C........ addons\object_drop_to_ground.py", line 166, in execute drop_objects (self, context)
file "C........ addons\object_drop_to_ground.py", line 108, in drop_objects hit_location, hit_normal, hit_index = tmp_ground.ray_cast(lowest_world_co, lowest_world_co+down)
valueError : too many values to unpack (expected3)
location : <unknown location>:-1
I have downloaded the addon from this new link https://gist.github.com/mhulse/571947fbe5ca16b7f2b7
Can anybody give me solution for that error