I was trying to make a simulation where two blocks made of icospheres collided, one being completely obliterated, the other intact with pieces of the other sticking to it. I had the entire particle system ready to go, all the settings tweaked. But when i go to bake the molecular script, it gives be an error. My System is Windows Vista 32 bit and the version of the addon im using is molecular win32 v1.02 The error goes as follows:
Traceback [most recent call last]
File "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.7.3\scripts\addons\molecular_init_.py" , line 600, in execute mol_report =cmolcore.init(mol_exportdata)
NameError: name 'cmolcore' is not defined location: :-1
Is it a bug with the Win32 version of molecular? I did not download the 64 bit version by mistake. I made sure of that. Also it works perfectly when i run it on my Macbook.