I want to render my simple animation only in the viewport, and I cannot ignore this problem any more. whenever i deselect imported image planes with alpha transparencies (in this case, as a light effect), they also mask out and hides every object behind it. this is not much of a problem for other "alpha graphics" when they don't contain any semi transparent pixels with them but the case with this set up is just not acceptable
(this image's blend mode is set to add) i set images with no semi-transparency with alpha clip
once deselected :|
my simple setup for the light effect with controlable fadein-out (fac)
the one at the top has semi-transparency set to blendmode:alpha blend, the one in the bottom is actually a monochrome picture set to blendmode:add
PS. how does one do this light effect for BI and BGE as well?
advance thanks for helping!