I have a question and words seem to fail me when searching here for an answer. Although this is related to a swim cycle, it is a problem I have encountered before: How do I achieve more than one goal for a bone: For example, a constant Y rotation, with a Z rotation axis saved as a separate action?
Here are details: I have created a swim cycle, deflecting a tail along the Y axis of three bones:
I would like to be able to add a flutter on another axis -- say Z -- and have that action smoothly intersect with the underlying cycle whenever and wherever it is used. Here is a Z wiggle:
In fact, I would like to do that with a flutter on the primary (Y) axis, too:
What I get, however, is the situation where the flutter action -- placed higher than the tail cycle on the NLA editor -- works fine, but ends up leaving the tail cycle deformed by the last position of the flutter NLA event. In the image below, the Z flutter has left the tail kinked downward:
My hope was to create action clips that added special or non-repeating action to an underlying strip but ended the "new" action -- the flutter in my file -- with a smooth return to the position of the underlying strip -- my swim cycle... Sort of like "take this cyclical position and add 10 degrees Z rotation, then subtract the rotation until it blends into wherever the underlying action strip is.."
So, that, with a question mark after it, is my question. How to achieve?