
How do I select vertices that have been deselected after I duplicated that part of the mesh ? I have duplicated a part of the mesh and separated that part of the mesh from the original mesh. After doing so, the same vertices on the original mesh aren’t selected anymore. Is there a way to make them remain selected after duplicating them? And not having to manually select one by one again. It’s a complex mesh.


1 Answer 1


Create a vertex group.

  • Select the vertices once
  • Go to the data tab of the object
  • Create a new vertext group and rename it
  • "Assign" the selected points to the new gropus (with weight = 1)
  • Whenever you need, you can click "select" to select all the points of a group

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you so much ! $\endgroup$
    – Freya7
    Commented Oct 21 at 7:43

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