
Im very new to blender.

I want to align objects. I learned to make a small carve out to tuck something into inside a box, but I want a support to help hold it up

Does blender have an easy way to align the top of one object with the bottom of my carve out? See the pictureenter image description here

So I want the top of my support block aligned with the bottom of that channel


1 Answer 1


There are two ways of solving this:

Method 1 (easiest)

Go into Edit Mode for both objects, set your orbit mode (the period key I believe) to Active Element, then select the top of the object first, and then ⇧ Shift select the face of the channel that you would like the object to align with. Press S to scale, Z to select the vertical axis, and type 0.

Method 2

Select the face of the channel you want it to align to, open up the XYZ position tab, make sure the mode is set to global, and copy the Z coordinate. Then, select the top face of the object, and paste the Z coordinate into its XYZ position tab.

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks. Im trying method one, but once I select my cubes face, Im unable to select my frames face. If I select my frames face first, Im unable to select my cubes face. Im not sure what might cause this. $\endgroup$
    – Jibril
    Commented Feb 2 at 4:37
  • $\begingroup$ Are both faces part of the same object? If not, make sure you shift+select both objects before entering edit mode, and then you should be able to shift+select both faces. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 2 at 15:59

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