I'm trying to create a Wheel of Fortune animation, see the image below.
I also have a movie that makes the issue a lot more clear: Wheel of Fortune movie
I've got it somewhat working using the Rigid Body system. The issue I'm having is that once the wheel stops spinning, the flippers just keep swinging from side to side way too long. I'm looking for some way to make them come to a halt a lot faster. Preferably I'd like the flipper to behave as if it's attached with a sort of spring, forcing it back to it's center position.
I'll explain the current setup for the upper flipper / outer ring (blender file attached below). There are 3 objects:
- The wheel itself
- The flipper
- The axle for the flipper to rotate around
The wheel
The wheel is just normally animated using keyframes. It rotates around it's Y axis. It has Rigid Body physics enabled, Active and animated so it won't fall down. Shape is set to mesh.
The flipper Also Rigid body enabled, Type: active, Animated: No, Shape: mesh
The axle Rigid Body enabled, Type: active, Animated: Yes, Shape: mesh
The Axle and the flipper are connected with a constraint set to Hinge with a -45 degree to 45 degree limit on the Z-axis. The constrain has been rotated so the z-axis faces the correct direction and it all works.
In order to get this damping / springy effect I'm looking for I figured I use the Friction parameter. This doesn't seem to work. Any changes I make to this parameter doesn't seem to have any effect whatsoever. I've also tried increasing the margins to make sure the margin of the flipper and the axis overlap. Still no luck. I'm guessing this is because I'm using a hinge constraint.
Sorry for the long text, I'm just trying to explain my question as good as I can. Here's the blend file I'm using: Wheel of Fortune blend file
Thanks in advance!