This is my first post on the Blender StackExchange, so I hope that it's well received :)
Essentially, I'm making a 3D game in Godot, and for that I need to divide my terrain up into chunks. I've already found and got working a fantastic piece of code from this thread which successfully divides the terrain up into different objects within the same scene based on a grid.
However, to really get an efficient workflow going, I now need to find a way to export each one of those separated objects as its own .obj file - as manually doing it all by hand is excruciating. Is there anybody familiar with scripting who would feel charitable enough to modify this existing code from that thread:
from bpy import context
from mathutils import Vector
# bounding box helper methods
def bbox(ob):
return (Vector(b) for b in ob.bound_box)
def bbox_center(ob):
return sum(bbox(ob), Vector()) / 8
def bbox_axes(ob):
bb = list(bbox(ob))
return tuple(bb[i] for i in (0, 4, 3, 1))
def slice(bm, start, end, segments):
if segments == 1:
def geom(bm):
return bm.verts[:] + bm.edges[:] + bm.faces[:]
planes = [start.lerp(end, f / segments) for f in range(1, segments)]
#p0 = start
plane_no = (end - start).normalized()
p0 = planes.pop(0)
ret = bmesh.ops.bisect_plane(bm,
edges=[e for e in ret['geom_cut']
if isinstance(e, bmesh.types.BMEdge)])
bm =
ob = context.object
me =
o, x, y, z = bbox_axes(ob)
x_segments = 2
y_segments = 2
z_segments = 1
slice(bm, o, x, x_segments)
slice(bm, o, y, y_segments)
slice(bm, o, z, z_segments)
Basically having that modified so it can also export each of those chunks as its own .obj file into a given directory, after splitting the terrain up. Is that possible, and is there anybody who would be willing to help out? I have no experience with python (even though Godots scripting language is quite python like...) so I don't really know where to start doing it by myself!
Thanks for reading.
~ Skelly <3