
Using rigify I'm trying to make custom rigs / adding to the rigify prebuilds. The problem is that every tutorial I've seen on the subject starts with the rigify buttons option in the armature tab, which is missing for me. When I open the rigify tab all i get is advanced, bone groups, and layer names, no rigify buttons. Where is it or where might a substitute be?enter image description here

enter image description here


2 Answers 2


Since version 3.2.0, all the Rigify panels have been grouped into one Rigify panel with sub-panels:

enter image description here

Blender ≤ 3.1.0 Blender ≥ 3.2.0
Rigify buttons in object (pose) mode Rigify
Rigify buttons in edit mode Rigify → Samples
Rigify Bone Groups Rigify → Bone Groups
Rigify Layer Names Rigify → Layer Names
Rigify (advanced button) Rigify → Advanced

Seems like a bug. (Blender 3.6) I pressed generate rig and the samples button showed up under custom properties, far down. Then after deleting it and creating a new bone, the samples showed up as expected.


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