I've got a character mesh behaving itself, and I have the fabric clothes behaving themselves, now I need to get the plates to behave. I've used blender 3.1's built in Rigify functions, and parented the character mesh and the fabric clothes to the rig. They work the way I want. The issue I'm having is the armor plates. For the chest-plate, it's not too bad - I parent to the rig using automatic weights, and unless I bend the rig too far, the chestplate looks ok - but it does start to deform, which I don't want. If I parent it to the bones in the meta-rig, it ignores the poses I set in the rig. Am I supposed to parent the meta-rig to the rig? That doesn't seem right.
For italian-style articulated knee joints, the problem gets even trickier - the articulations are supposed to rotate when the knee bends. Since the character mesh underneath is deforming, is there a way to parent the articulation to the nearest vertex in the character?
I'm not suave enough with the rigify system to add a controller or bone just for this purpose, but if there's an existing tutorial or walkthru of how to accomplish this, please point me to it.
Thanks in advance!
For my current project this isn't imperative, but for future projects it might be.