
I rigged my model and I realized that it has a scale of -1 on X axis (left/right). Then if I mirror the model the left bones deform the right and vice versa, I tried "Mirror vertex groups" but it does strange things (seems a buggy function). I though about applying a inverse scaling to the vertices and the scaling the the object but it doesn't work. I don't know how to do. Is there a script or something to do so ? Thanks


3 Answers 3


With the armature selected in object mode, apply the scale - ⎈ CtrlA ->Apply Scale.

Then in edit mode select the all bones, ensure there aren't hidden bones on other layers, and scale -1 on the x axis - SX-1

Now in pose mode the bones should effect the correct side.

  • $\begingroup$ Didn't think about that way, thanks sambler ! $\endgroup$
    – Entretoize
    Commented Mar 10, 2015 at 11:18

Ctrl-A>Apply Scale will set all scale values to one. This will fix that issue, but be careful it could mess up scale animation and anything depended on the scale (save your file before trying it).

  • $\begingroup$ In fact this is my problem as NEED to apply the scale to my model BUT it deform everything if I do... $\endgroup$
    – Entretoize
    Commented Mar 9, 2015 at 18:31
  • $\begingroup$ So you tried it, it didn't say in your question... $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 9, 2015 at 18:46
  • $\begingroup$ Yes sorry for that $\endgroup$
    – Entretoize
    Commented Mar 9, 2015 at 18:48

There is a much easier way to scale models without messing up your whole rig. Just scale the world in metric system.


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