As stated above I want to know how to connect two separate meshes but not into a single mesh. For example i want to connect the arm and hands together however i still want them to be seperate meshes and not all in one, an example of what I don't want is like ctrl + j which joins them all together.
1 Answer
Guys i've found the answer to the question myself. What you have to do is first off select both the armature and mesh(in this case the arm in the photo). And then go into weight paint mode, select the bone in which you want to weight down and start painting around that area in my case i choose the elbow bone. Finally after painting go into your vertex groups and choose the vertex groups you assigned your bone to. There should be a lock icon next to it, press it. After that when you click and drag the elbow in pose mode the whole arm won't move but instead the elbow stretches.
joins them into one object, not exactly one mesh. And as @KickAir8p said, you should explain what you mean by connected. $\endgroup$