You need to enable Separate Children and Reset Children.
Instancing works differently with a collection than it does with an object.
A collection has an origin point, which is not tied to the origin points of the objects it contains. All the contained objects will be instanced relatively to the collection's origin point.
If you want to offset globally the collection instance origin point, you can go into the collection properties and tweak these values :
If you look into the collection info node docs you'll see that Separate Children will output each children as a separate instance as opposed to instancing the whole collection as a unique instance containing multiple meshes grouped into it. You won't notice anything right away in the viewport when enabling it, but each object will be instanced separately.
Then you'll see that Reset Children will reset the children's unapplied transforms. This means not only the translation, but also the scale and the rotation so do keep that in mind when resetting the children : It discards all unapplied transforms.