The Add-on is responsible for adding this field there. But it only gets drawn if a special property, managed by the add-on, is present in the material properties. These custom properties don't get copied over when you duplicate a material.
Basically this is just a shortcut to the scale values of a mapping node inside the material. I think it is a bit convoluted for what it does, but you should contact the support if you want to make them aware of this limitation.
Digging into the add-on files I found this:
if mat and mat.pmc_matprops.workflow != '':
# get the mapping nodes, if found
main_map = None
for n in mat.node_tree.nodes:
if 'main_map' in n: # ie n['main_map'] exists
main_map = n
if main_map:
row = col.row(align=True)
if hasattr(main_map, "scale"):
row.prop(main_map,"scale", text="Main scale")
elif 'Scale' in main_map.inputs:
row.prop(main_map.inputs['Scale'], "default_value", text="Main scale")
Explanation :
On the first line the method checks if the material has a custom property named pmc_matprops
. I believe it is added by the add-on when first instantiating the material. When you duplicate the material, the property doesn't get copied over.