
Apologies If I am not using correct words and names for the modifiers. I tried to follow a simple blender plant creation tutorial but in the last section I came across a problem that I cannot solve. I created a bezier curve for the sake of adjusting plant's stalk, but when I added curve modifier, my stalk changed it's position. According to the tutorial, I should simply choose 'deform axis Z" but when I click it, plant's stalk is still in an incorrect place. Please see images below. Any solutions? I tried to look for answers but didn't come across anything quite the same. Thanks in advance! enter image description here enter image description here


1 Answer 1

  • Apply the rotation of your curve (CtrlA)
  • In Edit mode, right click and Switch Direction so that the normals go from bottom to top
  • You’ve keyframed the Curve modifier's Deform Axis, not sure why, so maybe delete the keyframe, and find the right axis (which seems to be -X)

Your stalk doesn’t completely follow the curve but it’s because it is not originally completely straight, it’s already a bit curvy before you give it the Curve modifier


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